‘A Rotta

The number 74 in the Neapolitan grimace is represented by the cave. The cave, in its broadest meaning, is any type of underground void, whether natural or artificial, or a more or less extensive cavity in the ground beneath the ground.
Dreaming of a cave or a cavern is equivalent, for the dreamer, to the search for a place or context in which the sleeper can reflect or discuss to undertake a path of personal growth. More precisely, if you see yourself delving into the bowels of the earth it means that in everyday life you will have to make a difficult decision very soon.
In order for the dreamer to make the right decision about the path to take, it is necessary for him to stop and reflect in solitude and tranquility.
If stalactites and/or stalagmites are seen in the dream vision, these indicate the level of internal awareness reached and therefore are confirmation that the sleeper is maturing.
Dreaming of being inside a cave represents a refuge from the world around us, from some choices or whatever.
Dreaming of entering a cave and finding yourself completely in the dark may indicate that in real life you find yourself lost.
Finally, it should be remembered that the cave is very often associated with the female genital organ and for this reason the need for comparison can be seen as a need to find comfort and love in the opposite sex if it is a man who dreams of it, while if it appears in a dream to a woman, it is likely that she is trying to become more aware of her most intimate and profound nature.
“Jinx Protecting” is the fifth Floating Action album to appear on Almost Halloween Time Records.
90 copies as the numbers of the grimace.
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