Mark about the session:
“How to commemorate the re-release (first time on vinyl!) of the only album by a band that broke up over twenty years ago? How about a radio show? or three? For free?
For the full concert experience: you and your friend, both wearing your homemade “Capozzi Park” t-shirts, take a ride all the way around and back on a public transit line in your city, surreptitiously drinking along the way. Both of you yell “Capozzi Park! Capozzi Park!” at random, and in tandem, until you get off. Bonus points if you are thrown off. Ask a passerby to take a picture of you and your friend in your shirts. Walk home. Then listen to this recording. Tell everyone you meet, for a week, that, “You really should have been there.”
If you enjoy this (and/or the other two Capozzi Park radio sessions), please buy “The Record of Capozzi Park” on CD, download, or soon on 2xLP vinyl from Almost Halloween Time Records; who also have a cassette version of “Chocolate Covered Bad Things by Mark” currently available.”
“A total of seven songs did end up on “The Record of Capozzi Park”, not counting “Thursday.”
At the time(s) of the recordings, all but five songs (of the twenty-five) were unreleased. Twenty-odd years later, of the five (yet) unreleased songs: one song was made up on the spot; as I recall, on a dare. One was an older song that I would have sworn Capozzi Park never played, until I heard it. One was a song that I never recognized until the second part started. One song was the sort of thing that Tom Petty used to think he got away with. One song was about knowing when to quit. Two of the unreleased songs appear twice.”
It has just appeared a new Capozzi Park radio session. The third in a series. Listen it here.
Listen and preorder your copy of “The Record Of Capozzi Park” by Capozzi Park here .