“Lac Observation are one brick of dynamite! Wow….”

Niels wrote these words to me after buying a copy of “Reptilian Dream” and they came back to me yesterday at the Lac Observation concert.

“Wow” is what I thought after seeing their performance yesterday.

Lac Observation’s music is so original that it has never even been released, or only a small part of it has been released.

They made me think of Jackie-O Motherfucker in the more experimental parts, but it is very clear that these guys live in a world of their own.

Their live set is incredible. Gianlorenzo and Lucia Sole alternate themselves at various instruments, guitars, pedals, saxophone, flute, saw.

They both sing, they share the stage with a bass player, a drum player and an accordionist.

There is a smell of improvisation, or maybe it’s just the weed that my neighbor was smoking.

There is a smell of dynamite, it must have been the song that was interrupted by a technical issue.

Lac Observation set was weird and wild, the venue was nice. Some sort of occupied community center. 

A guy was selling homemade beer, I asked him about the different styles, the beers had different colours. He replied: “One light, one dark, one red”. The answer convinced me, I drank a glass of one of the three at random and at the second glass I didn’t ask any more questions.

The audience was composed mostly by boys and girls in their twenties. Among those present I was one of the oldest, my 6 year old daughter the youngest.

She didn’t stay until the end of the concert, but she would have liked Lac Observation.

At the end of the show a lad bought a tape from the Lac Observation booth.

I watched the scene from afar while I was waiting for my turn to say goodbye to Gianlorenzo.

The queue was long, and I saw the guy come back to complain about something I didn’t quite understand.

He opened the case and took out the tape. He said something.

Then having got what he wanted he tried to put the tape back in the box.

This last operation took forever. The boy looked like he had never handled or seen one. On his face a question mark similar to the one that had originally appeared on Champollion’s face when he first examined a copy of the Rosetta Stone. What was that object? What did it contain? Were the titles of the songs invented on the spot by Gianlorenzo true? Is being hit by an arrow really one of your recurring dreams? A cupid’s arrow or a dart shot by a madman?

Listen to “Reptilian Dream” by Lac Observation here .