Week 2

Wim’s request.
I bought ”Waffles and Windmills” out of curiosity.
I have always been interested in local scenes.
When I have the chance, I never fail to ask info about bands, artists and groups from countries that usually aren’t under the radar of newspapers and music magazines. The better if they don’t even sing in English.
And so in my record collection you will find russian, greek, danish, portuguese, polish, hungarian, french, spanish records, etc.
Of course I haven’t been lucky everytime and I can only name a few groups that I still listen to or that have become really important to me.
I have always read the catalogs of every small record label I happened to find greedily, so when my eyes caught on Lower Records a sampler of belgian and dutch artists, I could not resist and I ordered one.
We are talking about the end of the 90’s and back then I had never been to Belgium or the Netherlands.
Although I knew very well what a windmill was, I wasn’t sure about waffles.
Traditional sweets in Bari are much different and waffles would have made their appearance in Puglia only in recent years when I had already had plenty of them during my beglan trips.
The compilation features among the others Plover, Wovoka, Wio, Napkin Vs Soda, Bingo Trappers, Larz, Furtips, Tin Foil Stars, Ed Nolbed, Mote, Birdskin and the Luigi of 2020 would probably be a different person if I hadn’t order this compilation.
No songs sung in flemish, but a sequence of great lo-fi tunes by mysterious home-tapers.
I think I have tried to contact all the artists featured in this compilation.
With some of them I am still in touch, of others I have lost the contact. How great is the song by Peep? With those homemade drums that I imagined to be carton drums of some local detergent. And Plover? Where is he now? And how many times I have played the song by Gush? Or ”The Wind” by Pompidou?